Play Activities & Crafts for 6 Month Olds

Engage your 6 month old's senses and curiosity with stimulating play & craft activities designed to boost early development milestones.
Play Activities & Crafts for 6 months old

Six-month-old babies are rapidly developing their senses, motor skills, and cognitive abilities. Playtime is not only a source of joy for them but also a crucial avenue for learning and growth.

Engaging 6-month-olds in various play activities helps them explore their world, build essential skills, and strengthen their bond with caregivers.

In this article, we’ll explore a variety of play activities tailored for 6-month-olds, focusing on three key areas: sensory exploration, motor skill development, and cognitive stimulation.

Plus, you’ll find expert videos and resources for even more insight into the power of Play & Toys!

Play With Us!

Communication is the first form of play in babies by Stephanie McCabe (Speech Language Pathologist)

Sensory Exploration for 6 Month Olds

At six months old, babies are actively exploring their senses. Sensory play provides them with rich experiences that stimulate their developing brains.

  1. Tummy Time: Place your baby on their tummy on a soft surface. This encourages them to lift their head and chest, strengthening neck and back muscles while also providing a new perspective of the world. You can make tummy time more engaging by placing colorful toys or a mirror in front of them.
  2. Texture Play: Introduce your baby to various textures like soft fabrics, crinkly paper, or smooth surfaces. Let them touch and feel different materials, stimulating their sense of touch and curiosity.
  3. Sound Play: Sing songs, play soft music, or make gentle sounds with rattles or other toys. This helps babies develop their auditory senses and learn to differentiate between various sounds.
  4. Visual Stimulation: Hang a mobile with contrasting colors or patterns above your baby’s crib. This captivates their attention and helps them develop visual tracking skills.
  5. Fingerplays and Songs: Engage your baby in fingerplays like “Pat-a-Cake” or sing simple songs with hand motions. This combines auditory and visual stimulation while also promoting bonding.
6 Stages of Play

Motor Skill Development for 6 Month Olds

Six-month-old babies are starting to develop their gross motor skills, which involve the large muscles of the body used for movement. Play activities that encourage movement help them refine these skills and gain confidence in their physical abilities.

  1. Reaching and Grasping: Offer your baby toys of different shapes and sizes to encourage reaching and grasping. This strengthens their hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.
  2. Rolling: Encourage your baby to roll from their back to their tummy and vice versa. This helps them develop core strength and coordination.
  3. Sitting with Support: Prop your baby up in a sitting position with pillows or a supportive seat. Surround them with toys that they can reach for and interact with.
  4. Kicking Play: Lay your baby on their back and gently move their legs in a kicking motion. This helps them develop leg strength and coordination.
  5. Bouncing Play: Hold your baby securely and gently bounce them on your lap or in a bouncer seat. This provides vestibular stimulation, which is important for balance and coordination.
Dr. Jack Shonkoff – Building Kids Brains

Cognitive Stimulation for 6 Month Olds

At six months old, babies are beginning to understand cause and effect and object permanence. Play activities that challenge their thinking and exploration skills are essential for their cognitive development.

  1. Peekaboo: Play peekaboo with your baby, hiding your face behind your hands or a blanket and then reappearing with a smile. This helps them understand object permanence and can elicit joyful reactions.
  2. Hide-and-Seek with Toys: Hide a toy under a blanket or behind your back and encourage your baby to find it. This reinforces object permanence and promotes problem-solving skills.
  3. Cause-and-Effect Toys: Offer toys that respond to your baby’s actions, such as toys that light up or make sounds when pressed or shaken. This helps them understand cause and effect and encourages exploration.
  4. Reading and Singing: Read to your baby regularly and sing nursery rhymes. This exposes them to language, sounds, and rhythm, promoting early literacy skills.
  5. Interactive Playmats: Use playmats with hanging toys or activities that encourage reaching, kicking, and tummy time. These mats provide a stimulating environment for babies to explore and develop their motor and cognitive skills.

As your little one graduates from the baby gym and rattles, it’s time to discover new ways to play and learn together.

Our Play Activities for 6 Month Olds article is packed with inspiration for interactive games and activities that perfectly complement their growing curiosity and mobility.

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