Sensory Toys for All Ages!

Sensory toys for all ages! Explore the benefits & find the perfect toys for babies, toddlers, kids, and even adults.
An image of squishy sensory toy

Sensory toys provide a unique and powerful way for people of all ages to interact with their environment, develop essential skills, and find both joy and relaxation.

These specialized toys target our senses – touch, sight, sound, smell, movement, and even body awareness – and are incredibly valuable for growth and well-being.

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Sensory Toys Categorization by Sensory Type

Sensory SystemDescriptions, Benefits and Examples of Sensory Toys
Tactile (Touch)Toys that provide tactile stimulation through touch.
Benefits: Promotes fine motor development, can provide calming or stimulating input depending on the toy.
Examples Include: Squishy toys (stress balls, modeling clay), Textured balls and fabrics, Kinetic toys, Slime, oobleck, water beads, Liquid motion toys
VisualToys that engage the sense of sight.
Benefits: Encourages visual tracking and attention, can be calming or stimulating depending on the visual effects.
Examples Include: Light-up toys, Fiber optic lights, Bubble tubes, Glitter jars
Auditory (Sound)Toys that create sounds or focus on auditory input.
Benefits: Develops auditory processing and awareness, can promote focus or relaxation.
Examples Include: Musical instruments (shakers, tambourines), Toys with sound effects (crinkling toys, squeeze toys with noises), Nature sounds/white noise machines
Vestibular (Movement & Balance)Toys that promote movement and balance awareness.
Benefits: Supports body awareness, coordination, and can be helpful for regulating energy levels.
Examples Includes: Swings, Trampolines, Rocking toys, Balance beams
Proprioceptive (Body Awareness)Toys providing deep pressure or input related to body position.
Benefits: Provides deep pressure input, which can be calming and help with focus.
Examples Includes: Weighted blankets and vests, Compression garments, Vibration toys, Resistance bands
Olfactory (Smell)Toys that engage the sense of smell.
Benefits: Can trigger positive associations and memories, can be used to promote relaxation or alertness depending on the scent.
Examples Includes: Scented playdough or slime, Aromatherapy diffusers, Scratch-and-sniff stickers
Types, Benefits & examples of Sensory Toys
8 Senses and How They Develop By Pathways Org

Age-Specific Recommendations

Let’s delve into how sensory toys can be tailored to different developmental stages:

Baby Sensory Toys (0 – 12 Months)

  • Focus on soft textures, high-contrast patterns, gentle sounds, and safe items for mouthing.
  • Examples: Textured rattles, soft crinkle toys, light-up mobiles, teethers.
Baby Sensory Milestones at 0 -3 months by Pathway Org

Toddler Sensory Toys (1- 3 Years)

  • Toddlers crave exploration! Introduce messier textures, more active movement toys, and simple cause-and-effect toys.
  • Examples: Water play tables, finger paints, fidget toys, push-and-pull toys, swings.
Toddler Sensory Activities by Pathway Org

Preschool Sensory Toys (3 – 5 Years)

  • Imaginative play meets sensory input. Building materials, role-play with textured props, and music creation get exciting.
  • Examples: Kinetic sand, playdough with tools, dress-up clothes, with various fabrics, simple musical instruments.
DIY Sensory Safe Sand

Grade Schooler Sensory Toys (6 -12 Years)

  • Kids this age can still benefit from sensory regulation and focus tools.
  • Examples: Fidget toys, weighted lap pads, trampolines, nature exploration kits with magnifiers.

Adult Sensory Toys

  • Adults also find relaxation, focus, and enjoyment from sensory experiences.
  • Examples: Fidget toys, Weighted blankets, stress balls, aromatherapy diffusers, noise-canceling headphones.

Choosing the Right Sensory Toys

  • Observe your child: Notice what textures, sounds, and movements they are drawn to or avoid. This helps customize sensory offerings.
  • Safety first: Always supervise play and choose toys that are age-appropriate and don’t contain small parts or choking hazards.
  • Variety is key: Offer a wide range of sensory experiences and rotate toys regularly to keep them engaging.

Sensory toys are a fantastic investment in learning, development, and well-being for all ages.

Note: This article is intended for informational purposes. Always consider your individual child’s interests and developmental needs when selecting toys.

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